A Comprehensive Naturopathic Guide for Complete Digestive Wellness

Approximately 1.5 million people in the United States alone are afflicted with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a category of illnesses that includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and that number is steadily growing. Although there is not yet a cure for Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, patients can help reduce their symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing by following a comprehensive wellness plan such as those outlined in Living with Crohn’s & Colitis.
Living with Crohn’s & Colitis offers patient-focused, expert guidance on everything from the latest medical treatments, how to cope with a diagnosis, and tips for balancing diet with a busy lifestyle so you can form a personalized wellness plan. 
Living with Crohn’s & Colitis also includes:

· Easy to understand information on the role of inflammation and the immune system on gut health

· Traditional and alternative treatment options for a broad, full-body approach to wellness

· A 3-month wellness plan adjustable to each individual’s health needs

· Over 25 delicious recipes designed for those with IBD

Learning to live with the myriad aspects of Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis treatment, including dietary restrictions and medications, can seem overwhelming. Written by a naturopathic doctor and a Crohn’s patient, Living with Crohn’s & Colitis is a thoughtful, balanced resource to help you on your journey to wellnesss.


Jessica Black, N.D. graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine where she obtained her medical training. Dr. Black specializes in women’s medicine including natural hormone balancing for menopause, childhood illnesses, and chronic asthma. She continues to study and research vaccinations, hormones, new treatment ideas, and cutting edge techniques used to improve health.

Dede Cummings, author and Crohn’s patient, has been a book designer for the past 25 years. She holds a BA from Middlebury College in Literature. Her hobbies include hiking, yoga, running, reading, gardening and backcountry skiing. Dede has been published by Family Fun and Mademoiselle magazine and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s Newsletter. She was a Discovery/The Nation poetry semi-finalist, and currently writes in a salon hosted by the author Suzanne Kingsbury.

Dede is a 2010 graduate of the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Continuing Education course “Publishing Books, Memoirs and Other Creative Non-Fiction,” under the direction of Julie Silver, M.D.

Dede lives in Brattleboro, Vermont, in a house built by her husband, Steve Carmichael. They have three children, Sam, Emma, and Joey. After Dede’s most recent hospital stay and surgery for Crohn’s disease in 2006, she began hiking the Long Trail (the length of Vermont) in one week sections, beginning to realize a long-term goal that had been put off due to illness. This is her first published book.

Her second book, “Cooking Well: IBS” came out October 25, 2011, and it is a description of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and a helpful guide with lifestyle tips and over 100 recipes. The author was first diagnosed with IBS in her 20s, and it is her hope that by reading this book, people will become educated and informed about how lifestyle and diet are key to maintaining health in today’s world.

Cummings also works as a literary agent and book publicist, helping other authors get published and publicized. She represents Dr. Kimberly Allison (“Red Sunshine,” a doctor’s eloquent memoir about surviving Stage 3 breast cancer), David Blistein (“David’s Inferno” due out in 2013), and Kasey Mathews (“Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life and Motherhood” published May 29, 2012 from Hatherleigh Press, distributed by Random House).


Ben Hoffmann photo with link to More Magazine story it accompanied.

This blog is intended for informational purposes only. It is not in any way a substitute for advice from your doctor or physicians. Consult with your doctor before making any decisions based off the information from this blog or book’s website.

4 Comment(s)

  1. Sarah amaden

    March 20, 2012 at 1:24 am

    Hi! How do I sign up for your blog? I love it!

    • Dede Cummings

      March 20, 2012 at 3:12 am

      Hey Sarah! Glad you like it. I’m going to add a widget, a follow button, but for now, you can follow like this:
      Also, email me at dede@livingwithcrohnsandcolitisbook.com

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  2. Pingback: Inspiration | I quit the gym

  3. iquitthegym

    July 11, 2012 at 1:40 am

    Dr Black and Dede,

    I have nominated you both for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2002 and I greatly appreciate all the information your blog and book provide. Thank you for the work that you do!


    Link to post: http://iquitthegym.com/2012/07/11/inspriation/

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